


The first Greek-letter organization made its debut on the campus of the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, 1776年的弗吉尼亚. First in existence as debate and literary societies, this original fraternity served as the premise for those that followed. Founded on basic principles of friendship, 信任, 和忠诚, fraternity and sorority members strived to create a “home away from home” environment for college students of the day. The modern fraternity was founded during the 1820s and began to extend to other campuses, creating what are now known as “chapters,” and thus creating a “national” (or “international” if a chapter is founded in Canada or abroad) organization. Sororities were founded beginning in 1851, providing a circle of female friends and a place to live while away attending college. These values-based organizations have stood the test of time and continue to be strong contributing members of the campus environment. 今天, fraternity and sorority organizations continue to provide the same opportunity for life-long friendships, 然而, this type of student organization offers its members many additional opportunities that compose what is commonly referred to as “the Greek experience.领导力培训, 货币奖学金, 学术的援助, 公民参与, 传统, 团队建设, 网络, and more await the person who chooses to join one of these groups. Many students feel when they join a fraternity or sorority; they are giving a part of themselves to something greater. They are agreeing to live by the values of not only the organizations, but the ones for which they individually espouse. When investigating if fraternity or sorority membership is for you, it is highly encouraged to seek out the one that best fits your personality, 世界观和信仰!

兄弟会和姐妹会生活 at Mount Union 

Fraternities and sororities also give members the opportunity to network with alumni/ae and interact with mentors who have made a successful transition from college to the workforce. The Greek system provides a wide variety of events which help bring members of different chapters together, whether through educational workshops and lectures, 社交活动, 静修或服务项目. Over 125 years ago, fraternity and sorority life came to Mount Union. These organizations were founded upon 传统, values and opportunities for building relationships with fellow classmates that would last past just the years on campus. These opportunities and more provide a great way to be well-rounded in your experiences as a student at Mount Union, and allow for a number of different ways to grow while you are also learning in your chosen field of study. We highly encourage you to learn more about what an organization such as this and an experience like none other in college can provide for you!

Sign up for fraternity recruitment, scheduled throughout the month of September by checking out the recruitment tab on the right.